Sunday, July 12, 2009

Whitewater Trip June 2009

We had a great time on the Snake River. This year we were joined by grandson, Thatcher; Pat's sister Sandy and niece Tracy. We had a super time and the weather was good when we needed it most - between putting up camp and taking it down.

Here is Grandpa and Thatcher resting up for the arduous trip down the river.

Miss Tracy in camp.

It takes a little man and woman power to move the rafts on each run.

Grandpa and Thatcher getting ready for the first run.

The four rafters. Patty wasn't able to go down this year due to potential back concerns.

But she did work hard on transportation, being the offical photographer, chief cook and bottle washer.

A couple great shots of Mt Moran and Oxbow Bend.

It was an obsolutely beautiful day in the Grand Teton National Park.

A shot from the back of Tammie's old place of employment - Jackson Lake Lodge.

Hidden Falls was beautiful (and really roaring).

This is a clip of our first, and probably best run through Lunch Counter rapids. We really got slammed right at the tail end. One of our key riders, Christi, got tossed out up in front and Grandpa Jay had to lend a hand to pull her back in.

We really wanted everyone to see a moose. On the way to Teton Village we found a couple! A baby with her "mother". (hint: there is a joke about this if you pay attention.)


Holly said...

Tetons, Tetons, Tetons, We love You - Amen!! One day I'm going to climb Mt. Moran - I just don't know when :) I loved looking at all of your pics even though it did remind me that I currently have no mountains to climb, or rivers to raft. I'm glad you guys had a fun trip!!

Heather said...

Sign me up for next year's trip :)