Sunday, December 21, 2008

DC in December

It was my good fortune to spend the first weekend of December in DC with the kids. I participated in the ordination of Jeremy as his was called into the bishopric of the Capital Hill Ward. It was great to be with them and have a little fun together in addition to the business at hand.

We celebrated Tennyson's birthday a little early. He really does enjoy playing with his "trash truck".

Tennyson playing with his toys by mom.

It was my good fortune to have the Museum of American History and the new boondoggle , er I meant Visitor Center at the US Capital open up the week prior to my coming to town. The last time I was at the American History Museum I couldn't remember finding out where Dorothy's slipper's were. This time we found them and I took a picture. By the way, both of these facilities are well worth seeing.

Jeremy in front of the Capitol (the visitor center is basically underground here.)

Me in front of the Capitol. I dressed somewhat warmer than Jeremy.

Jeremy looking up through the Visitor Center ceiling windows to the Capitol dome.

Me in front of Jeremy's future employer (Supreme Court).

Suzanne, Jeremy and I went to a great restaurant, the Sequoia, located on the banks of the Potomac. This tree was in front of the building adding to a beautiful sight and evening.

Enjoying the tree in front of the White House. We didn't stay long because it was downright cold this night.

The night after getting home our ward Relief Society had asked me to sing We Three Kings with a couple of other ward members. They told me to come in costume. Do I really look kingly or more like a clown?