With the Pugmire's at a very old "Painted Church". The priest took years to paint murals on the inside.
A great view from Poloku Overlook.
This is a terrific beach called Hapuna Beach.
One day the four of us rented a 4-wheel drive vehicle and drove to the top of Mauna Kea (about 14,000 ft). Mauna Kea is considered the tallest mountain on earth although 16,000 feet are below the ocean. This is where the greatest telescopes in the northern hemisphere are located and looking into the heavens. It was really cool to see them. And speaking of cool . . . you can tell from the pictures that the temperature was considerably different than on the beach. With the wind chill, it had to be below freezing. You can see where Ralph and I climbed to the actual summit as well as to a small lake that no one seems to know the source of the water.
Coming down off the mountain you get a great shot of the volcanic activity of yesteryear as well as the weather pattern from the windward side of the island.
The beautiful Waipi'o Valley on the northern end of the island.
A shot straight up as you lay on the beach at Kahalu'u.
What Connie was seeing at the same time.
Beautiful "69 Beach"
A-Bay Beach flowers.
We spent quite a bit of time observing and hiking at the Kileauau Iki volcano. Amazing eruption from 50 years ago.
It's also amazing what can grow in hardened lava.
An incredible beach close to the airport that we had to ourselves.
Friends and others at The Black Sand Beach.
Wearing our leis at the Pugmire condo. They have a great ocean view.
And . . . the obligatory sunset shot.