Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Holidays 2010 (and the first week of January)

We had another exciting Christmas Eve day celebration with lots of good food, games, fun, and, of course great company. It was great to have the Springer's with us this year. We missed having the D.C. Stewart's, the Dalpias' and the St. George Klarman's, but some day we will have everyone together.

Before New Year's, Patty and I went to St. George to thaw out a little (and hopefully play a round of golf). Well, Mother Nature did not cooperate in that department, but we always enjoy ourselves there. The snow with the red rock is truly beautiful. Here is a shot of our home with the evidence of a snow storm in St. George.

On January 4, I had a management meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I told Patty that if she wanted to book a flight (thanks again, Robert) that she could truly warm up while I was in my meetings. We both left at the same time from SLC (Patty through Detroit, me through Phoenix) and we arrived in Ft. Lauderdale within minutes of each other.

We were due to come home Friday, but I felt slighted somewhat in not being able to enjoy the great weather and surroundings so we stayed another day. We came home yesterday (Saturday). Temps were 75-80 degrees. Very lovely.